
人耕智慧CSA 簡介

我們的農場位於元朗八鄉,面積大約有兩萬平方呎,現以BD農法(生機互動農法 / biodynamic) 種植生產各種蔬菜和草藥,務求農場能自給自足而不從外界引入任何肥料(人工或有機),因為我們土壤的生命力才是農場的根本。

BD農法是以魯道夫·史代納(Rudolf Steiner)的靈性科學哲學,即「人智學」,發展出來。慣行農業以水溶性的化肥使農產品腫大,雖然重量增加能使人飽肚,但卻未能給予人應有的刺激。我們相信真正的食物應由健康土壤的生命力生長出來,能使我們的身心靈得到所需營養的同時,也能幫助改善地球的環境。我們看農場為一個完整的生命體,並以整全及自給自足的方式運作,所以我們致力於發展農場的「個體性」而不從外界引進任何肥料,因為這些東西和農場沒有直接關係。我們只會透過製作堆肥、種植綠肥植物和使用BD配方來使土地肥沃以生產,因為這些方法可以給予土地和植物大量微生物活動的刺激。




Bright Bird Biodynamic CSA

Our farm is located in Pat Heung, Yuen Long with an area of about 20,000 sq. feet. We adopt biodynamic farming to produce a variety of vegetables and herbs in a self-sustainable model without importing any fertiliser (artificial or organic) from outside as we believe soil vitality is the core driver of the farm. 

Biodynamic agriculture is based on the spiritual science philosophy from Rudolf Steiner, which is called Anthroposophy.  The food produced under conventional methods is only swollen by water with soluble nitrogen, which can only fill the stomach but not giving enough stimulus for us. We believe the real food should be grown by building up soil health and vitality, which can truly nurture our body, mind and spirit as well as benefit the earth. We see our farm as a complete organism and should be operated holistically in a self-sustained way. Thus, we try develop the farm “individuality” without importing any fertiliser from outside as it has no relationship with the farm. In order to improve the fertility of the soil, we keep on making composts, growing green manure plants and using biodynamic preparations to stimulate the bio-activities of the soil and plants.

In order to make the farm financially sustainable, we launch our Community-Supported Agriculture (“CSA”) scheme to supply our food produced to the community. Our CSA program aims to connect the farmers who produce the food with the community who consume the food. With tons of food wasted in the distribution and sales channel as well as conventional farmers concerning only the harvest yield but not the soil health, we believe the current “buying and selling” consumption-oriented model is the major cause for the problems. Under the CSA scheme, the members will pay an annual fee to cover the cost of the farm in the upcoming season. In return, the members can share all food produced in the farm no matter the yield is high or low. It reduces the risk of the farmer in production and the members can enjoy healthy foods with a much wider variety. The CSA members can go to the farm to participate the food production every week and they will have a real understanding about the food quality even without any organic certification. We believe the real connection formed by the CSA between the farmer and consumers would help our society to develop a sustainable way for healthy food production.

In order to promote biodynamic agriculture in Hong Kong, we are inviting an experienced farmer teacher from the US to Hong Kong to teach local people in our workshop twice a year. We believe it is better to give a right attitude to live with our earth in farming than to get the skills for higher production yield in gardening. It is our goal to promote the holistic philosophy behind biodynamic agriculture. We also hold different activities, such as study group, to introduce the wisdom in Anthroposophy in Hong Kong.

Besides, with vigorous bio-activities in the soil, we think the herbs grown under biodynamic approach are intelligent enough to generate unique aroma and flavour. We also sell dried herbs with our activities. Moreover, in order to build up the relationship between the plants and the soil, we are working on seed saving in most of our crops as the plants will adopt the local environment by generations.

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