Link: https://brightbirdbio.com/?p=788
Link: https://brightbirdbio.com/?product=serenity-tune
Link: https://brightbirdbio.com/?page_id=97
Link: https://brightbirdbio.com/?p=788
Link: https://brightbirdbio.com/?product=serenity-tune
Link: https://brightbirdbio.com/?page_id=97
當一位Biodynamic農夫一點也不容易。剛剛農夫太太在網上搜尋資料時,讀到一篇阿姆斯特丹大學碩士生論文,以下節錄有關Biodynamic Agriculture的部分:
The alluded structure implies a human-Earth synchronic work and growth where human being, through its consciousness can re-enter nature and, as an “alchemical artist […] find how nature is working” (Quoted: Klocek, Sacred Agriculture, p.23. ) in order to transform nature’s substances into medicine and food and, in a deeper sense, reconnect earth with its cosmic rhythm… This figure of an agricultural alchemist positioned in a middle ground between the Macrocosm of the heavens and the projected Microcosm in earth elements and dynamics recalls the famous principle “As above, so below” of Hermes Tabula Smaragdina…
In this conscious relation, the husbandman appears as a kind of alchemist belonging to a mixed practice of alchemy as a spiritual and practical work. Aware of his own possible actions in nature’s patterns and rhythms and, in harmony with nature’s own principles, he could generate a positive transformation/transmutation on it as a spiritual act along with its practical actions. This dual role expected from the agriculturist-alchemist of biodynamic agriculture expands the husbandman’s labor on physical resources towards a holistic, above and below participation -remembering Hermes again-.
Western Esotericism Master’s Thesis
University of Amsterdam
August, 2019 Camila Rodríguez Galilea